How you can participate

We are engaging with victims and/or survivors of child sexual abuse or exploitation who are currently located in Australia (the experience of abuse does not need to have occurred within Australia). We are particularly interested in hearing from victims and survivors whose lived experience includes knowledge that visual imagery or other content exists that depicts their abuse or exploitation. This material is often referred to as Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM).

You can participate in one or more of the following ways:

Anonymous survey

We invite victims and survivors of child sexual abuse to take our anonymous survey, whether or not CSAM is part of your lived experience. The purpose of the survey is to gather information about awareness and understanding of legally sanctioned use of CSAM by institutions to counter child sexual abuse.

Take our survey now

One-on-one Interviews

We have completed our one-on-one interviews with victims and survivors of child sexual abuse where CSAM is part of the lived experience.

For me talk with Kelly was so powerful, while I’ve done a lot of counselling, psychology and worked on my inner healing every day the 1-1 interview was something that gave me a feeling of finally speaking out for Little Me, it gave me hope that Little Me’s voice and story will make a difference for others into the future.
SB, Lived experience advisor

An earlier phase of this research, where we interviewed professionals with experience in organisations that use CSAM to counter abuse, has also concluded.

We thank all of our interview participants for giving us their valuable time and perspectives, and espcially, victims and survivors for their bravery in participating.

Validation and communication of research findings and recommendations

Now that the interviews are complete, we are inviting victims and survivors of child sexual abuse with CSAM experience to review and comment on our findings and recommendations for policy and practice.

If you wish to participate in this validation activity, a summary of identified themes, key insights, and recommendations that result from the research will be sent to you, asking for feedback or any new insights. Once finalised, we want to work with victims and survivors to help communicate these to broader communities (victims and survivors, law enforcement, justice, researchers, the general public, and so on).

You can participate in the validation if you have lived experience of CSAM. Completion of the online survey is not a prerequisite for this - you may decide to do one, or both of these, or not to take part at all.

If you want to participate in these validation and/or communication activities, please connect with Kelly Humphries via our contact page or email her directly at (Remember, findings/recommendations validation/communication can only be conducted with those who have a living experience where your abuse has been recorded/photographed etc.).

If the online survey or the validation/communication activities seem like they are not right for you, please connect with Kelly Humphries via our contact page or email her directly at to discuss other ways you can participate.